Terms & Conditions

General terms and conditions for using Oriental platform

Please read these terms carefully before using the Oriental platform. By using the Oriental Platform, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.


1.      Introduction

2.      Registration and Account

3.      Terms and conditions of sale

4.      Rules for your content

5.      The right to use your content

6.      Use of the Site

7.      Copyright and Trademarks

8.      Data privacy and confidentiality

9.        Our responsibility

10.    Disclaimer

11.    Our contact information


1)  Oriental is an e-commerce platform for buying and selling handmade and home-made products as well as unique and creative items.

2)  These general terms and conditions apply to sellers and buyers on the Oriental website, and these general terms and conditions regulate your use of the Oriental website.

3)  When using the Oriental website, you acknowledge that you accept these general terms and conditions in full. If you do not agree to the general terms and conditions or part of them, you must not use the Oriental platform.

4)  If you use the Oriental store while carrying out work or other organizational projects, you acknowledge the following:

·       You have obtained the necessary authority to agree to these General Terms and Conditions;

·       You guarantee your compliance and the compliance of the natural or legal person or any other legal entity managing your business or organizational project with the general terms and conditions contained in this contract.

·       You agree that in these General Terms and Conditions, “you” refers to the individual user and the relevant person, company or legal entity unless otherwise required.

·       The customer does not have the right to create more than one account on the site, and when adding more than one account, the site has the right to block additional accounts.

Registration and account:

1)    It is not permissible to register on the Oriental website if you are under 18 years of age, and accordingly, you acknowledge that you have exceeded this age (when using the Oriental store or agreeing to these general terms and conditions, you acknowledge and guarantee that you are at least 18 years old) or you can use the Oriental platform with the participation of someone Parents or with the participation of a guardian.

2)    If you register to open an account on the Oriental store, you will be asked for an email address/username and password and you agree to the following:

· Keep your password confidential.

· Notify Oriental immediately if your password is revealed

· You acknowledge your responsibility for any activity on the Oriental store resulting from your failure to maintain the confidentiality of your password, and that you may be held responsible for any losses arising as a result of this failure.

· You are committed to using the account alone, and it is not permissible to transfer that account to any third party, and you will be responsible if you delegate the management of your account to any third party.

· Oriental has the right, in its absolute discretion and without prior notice or giving reasons, to suspend or cancel your account, or amend the account data, with Oriental committing to refund the value of any products or services that you purchased on the store as long as you do not violate these general terms and conditions.

· You can cancel your account on the Oriental store by contacting us.

Terms and conditions of sale

1)        You acknowledge and agree to the following:

·    That the Oriental platform is a website for sellers to sell their products and for buyers to buy these products.

·    The Oriental platform is in no way considered a party to the transaction between the seller and the buyer.

·    A purchase and sale contract for the product or products is concluded between the seller and the buyer, and therefore you are committed to buying or selling the product or products when the buyer confirms the purchase through the Oriental website.

2)        The purchase and sale contract between the buyer and the seller is subject to the terms of the seller’s business in accordance with these general terms and conditions. However, the following texts are added to the purchase and sale contract between the buyer and the seller:

·    Selling at the same price as the product stated in the product list

·    The product price includes all types of taxes, taking into account all applicable laws in force in the Arab Republic of Egypt from time to time.

·    Delivery, packing and transportation fees, administrative fees, insurance costs, and other additional costs and fees will be paid by the buyer only if these fees and charges are clearly stated on the product listing.

·    Products must be of a quality that satisfies the purchaser, be suitable and safe for any purpose specified in the listed product description, and must meet all physical specifications in accordance with the product description listed by the purchaser on the Oriental website.

·    The Seller undertakes, with respect to the transferred Products, that it has the right to sell the Products, that it is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Products, or has the right to supply the Products in accordance with this Agreement and that the Products are not subject to any rights or restrictions of third parties, including third party intellectual property rights. Third and/or the existence of criminal proceedings, financial insolvency, investigations or tax proceedings.

·    The Seller warrants that if such terms exist in the Product sold, the Seller will provide detailed disclosure of the terms and conditions of the Product, any applicable warranty and any other terms necessary to inform the Buyer of the Product and its use in the specifications section provided on each Product page.

Your content rules

1)   In these General Terms and Conditions, “your content” means the following:

·       All works and materials (including but not limited to written texts, graphics, images, audio and video content, audio-visual materials, manuscripts, software and files) that the Seller sends to Oriental for subsequent storage, publication, processing or transmission.

·       All communications on the Oriental website, including product reviews, ratings, and comments.

2)   Your content and use must be Oriental

This content is accurate, complete and truthful in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.

3)   Your Content must be appropriate, civil, in good taste and comply with generally accepted standards of etiquette and conduct online, and must not:

·        The content is offensive, indecent, indecent, pornographic, lewd, suggestive or sexual.

·       Images showing violence in an explicit, graphic or gratuitous manner

·       Advocates violations of racial, religious, hate or discrimination laws

·       Content that is deceptive, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, anti-social, incites hatred, discrimination or inflammatory content

·       Any content that is likely to cause harassment, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any person

·       Random and unwanted

4)      Your Content must not be unlawful or unlawful, infringe the legal rights of any person, or give rise to any legal action against any person (in any case, in any jurisdiction or under any applicable law) and your Content must not Your breach or breach of the following:

·         Any copyright, moral rights, database rights, trademark rights, design rights, rights to use intellectual property or any other intellectual property rights.

·         Any rights of confidence, privacy or rights under data protection laws

·         Any contractual obligation owed to any person

·         Any judgment issued pursuant to any judicial ruling

5)      You are committed not to use the site to link to any website or web page or provide content that would violate the general terms and conditions if it is published on the Oriental website.

6)      You are committed not to display any content on the Oriental website that is or has been the subject of any legal proceedings or any other similar complaint from any third party.

7)      The evaluation feature on the Oriental website is used to facilitate the evaluation of products by the buyer, and you may not use the evaluation feature or any other form of communication to provide inaccurate, incorrect, or fictitious evaluations.

8)      You commit not to interfere in any type of transaction by:  contacting another user to buy or sell a product listed on the Oriental Platform outside the Oriental Platform; or communicate with a user who has active or completed transactions to warn them about a particular buyer, seller or product; Or contact another user with the intention of collecting any payment.

9)      You acknowledge that all users of the Oriental Platform are solely responsible for interacting with other users and you must exercise caution when communicating with users and not send personal information including credit card details to users.

10)  Oriental has the right to review your content periodically and has the right to remove any content at its discretion for any reason.

11)   You inform Oriental immediately if you discover any illegal content or activity on the Oriental website or any content or activity that violates these general terms and conditions, by contacting Oriental (Link)

The right to use your content

1)                Oriental may use, reformat, copy, publish, translate and distribute your content through Oriental’s marketing channels and any existing or future media.

2)                       If you violate the Content Rules in any way, or if Oriental reasonably suspects that you have violated the Content Rules, Oriental may delete, unpublish or edit any or all of the Seller’s Content without prejudice to Oriental’s other rights under these Terms. And general provisions.

Use of the Site

1)    You may do the following:

·        Displaying pages from the Oriental website on the browser.

·        Download pages from the Oriental website for temporary storage.

·        Print pages from the Oriental website for personal, non-commercial use, provided that this printing is not periodic or excessive

·        Download audio and video files from the Oriental website using the video and audio content player

2)    The Oriental Website may only be used for your personal and business purposes in connection with the sale or purchase of products on the Oriental Website.

3)     You commit not to modify or change any content on the Oriental website, except as expressly permitted in these general terms and conditions.

4)    If you do not own or manage any rights to any content on the Oriental website, you are obligated not to:

·        Republishing the content available on the Oriental website.

·        Selling, renting or licensing content from the Oriental website.

·        Exploiting the content for commercial purposes.

·        Redistribute content

5)       Oriental has the right to suspend or restrict access to the Oriental website, in whole or in part, or the use of any feature on the Oriental website. Oriental has the right, for example, to suspend access to the website during site server maintenance or updates to the Oriental website, provided that you commit not to circumvent or bypass any Procedures to access the Oriental website.

6)       You commit not to do the following:

·         Use the Oriental website in any way or take any action that causes, or may cause, damage to the website or impairment of the performance, availability, accessibility, integrity, or security of the website.

·         Use the Oriental Website in any manner that is unethical, illegal, illicit, fraudulent or harmful or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity.

·         Hacking or tampering with the Oriental website.

·         Investigate, inspect or test the Site without permission from Oriental.

·         Circumvent any authentication or security systems or procedures on or relating to our Site Use the Oriental Website to copy, store, host, transmit, transmit, use,  

Spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse, worm, keystroke logger, rootkit, or other malicious computer software.

·         Decrypt any communications sent by or to our website without permission from Oriental.

·         Conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities on our Site or in relation to the Site without our express written consent.

·         Use our website except through our public interface.

·         Access or interact with the Oriental website by using any robot, spider, or other automated means.

·          Use data collected on the Oriental website for any direct marketing activity (including, but not limited to, email marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing and direct mail)

·         Doing anything that interferes with the normal use of the Oriental website.

Copyright and trademarks

1)                     Oriental, along with the sellers, owns all copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the Oriental website and all content on the website.

2)                     All copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the Oriental website and the contents on the website are reserved.

3)                     All Oriental logos and other registered and unregistered trademarks are trademarks owned solely by Oriental; Oriental does not permit the use of these trademarks, and their use constitutes a violation of Oriental's rights.

4)                     Trademarks of other parties, whether registered or unregistered on the Oriental website, are the property of their owners. Oriental and Oriental do not guarantee any connection to the parties that own the trademarks. Therefore, Oriental may not grant any licenses for these trademarks.

Privacy and confidentiality of data

1)                    Sellers agree to the processing of their personal data in accordance with Oriental’s Privacy and Cookie Notice.

2)                    Oriental processes all personal data obtained through the Oriental platform and related services in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Cookies Notice and the Privacy Policy.

3)                    Sellers bear full responsibility towards buyers in the event of misuse of buyers’ personal data, and Oriental will not bear any responsibility towards buyers in case of misuse of buyers’ personal data.

our responsibility

1)   We make every effort to ensure the uninterrupted availability of the Oriental platform and the execution of transactions without errors. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be completely guaranteed. In addition, your access to the Oriental Platform may be suspended or blocked from time to time to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will work to limit the frequency and duration of such suspension or ban.

2)   Oriental shall not be liable for (a) losses not resulting from any breach by us, or (b) any business losses (including loss of profits, revenues, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or lost expenses), or (c) Any indirect or consequential losses that were not foreseen by you and us when you started using the Oriental Platform.

3)   We will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform our obligations under these Terms if the delay or failure is caused by any cause beyond our reasonable control. This condition does not affect your legal right for us to dispatch the goods or provide the services within a reasonable time or to receive a refund if you do not provide the requested goods or services within a reasonable time due to any reasons beyond our reasonable control.

Evacuation responsibilaty

If you breach these Terms of Use and we take no action, we will continue to be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situations where you breach these Terms of Use.publish or distribute any content consisting of (or relating to) a

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